THE EXPOSED / the other side of the art vol.1.2 PHOTOGRAPHS
会期:2006年8月18日(金)- 9月10日(日)
主催:京都造形芸術大学 芸術表現・アートプロデュース学科 (ASP)、art project room ARTZONE
THE EXPOSED / the other side of the art vol.1.2 PHOTOGRAPHS
Curated by Shigeo GOTO
Artists: Masayuki SHIODA, Taisuke KOYAMA, Kazuhiko WASHIO, John HARTE, Yamataka EYE
Period: 2006.8.18 (Fri.) – 9.10 (Sun.)
Venue: ARTZONE (Kyoto)
Organized by Kyoto University of Art and Design, ASP art studies & cultural production and art project room ARTZONE.