ECALの略称で知られるスイスのローザンヌ美術大学(University of Art and Design Lausanne)は、研究・創造 の優れたプラットフォームとして、世界で大きな注目を集める美術大学の一つです。その学部と修士課程からなる写真学科は、デジタルやウェブそしてネットワークの操作、書籍の新たな形態、多種多様なメディアでのイメージ作り、さらにインタラクティブな展示デザインから動画まで、現代写真の応用研究の境界を継続的に押し広げています。
この夏、ECAL 写真学科が「ECAL x Tokyo Photographic Research」プロジェクトと共に再び日本に戻って来ま す。13名の写真修士課程の学生が、約10日間の東京での滞在期間中にそれぞれのテーマ(プライバシー、食べ物、ロ ボット、建築、孤独、オタク文化、東京2020など)の下、リサーチ・制作を行う本プロジェクトは、「TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHIC RESEARCH」*との協働で実現するものです。
また、その成果及び「TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHIC RESEARCH」を紹介する2日間のポップ・アップ写真展(9月6 日-7日)を渋谷の(PLACE) by methodで開催いたします。
会場:(PLACE) by method、渋谷
9月6日(金)16時〜22時 *19時以降は、トークとレセプションとなります。
9月7日(土)10時〜17時 *会場ではECALの学生が制作している予定です。
Press Release:
ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne is regarded internationally as one of the leading platforms for academic and creative undertakings. Part of the Visual Communication Department, The ECAL Photography Department (BA and MA programmes) continuously pushes the boundaries of applied research in contemporary photography with an emphasis on digital, web and network manipulation, new forms of books, shaping images on various media, interactive exhibition design, up to and including the moving image.
Along these lines, the research project Augmented Photography initiated by Milo Keller, Head of Photography at ECAL, has attracted much attention in the recent years, notably though the publication of a statement book.
This summer, the ECAL Photography Department returns to Japan with the project “ECAL x Tokyo Photographic Research”. Thirteen photography students will explore the Japanese metropolis in collaboration with TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHIC REASEARCH * Touching on various aspects of Tokyo including privacy, food, robots, architecture, loneliness, fandom and the Olympic Games, the students’ preliminary work with a small presentation by Tokyo Photographic Research will be exhibited during a 2 days pop-up exhibition, on September 6 ‒ 7 at (PLACE) by method in Shibuya.
In connection to the pop-up exhibition, we have the pleasure to invite you to the 6th edition of Swiss Culture Talk, followed by a casual reception to be held on September 6 at (PLACE) by method. ECAL Head of Photography Milo Keller and Taisuke Koyama, TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHIC RESEARCH will dialogue around the project’s outline, their own practice, and the intricate relations between visuality, technology and city.
Date & Time: 2018.7.21 (Fri) 18:00 – 22:00
Venue: TATE MODERN, London
This month takes inspiration from the exhibition Shape of Light. Enjoy a vibrant mix of art, music, film, workshops, talks and street food. Music programmed by NTS Radio.
Digital Display:
Explore the work of contemporary photographers who have responded to the exhibition Shape of Light, featuring Chloe Dewe Mathews, Mark Duffy, Taisuke Koyama, Ronan Mckenzie and Maya Rochat.